Jul 9, 2012

Take the Limits Off....

It's been a very long time since I wrote anything.  Lately, I have felt God calling me towards many things, but just about everyday, I feel Him drawing me back to writing.  So, here I am.  I just sat and read my past posts.  I thought about deleting them and starting fresh because I'm not really at the same place in my life now as I was when I wrote the previous posts.  Then I realized that someone out there is where I once was and they may need what God said through me then.

As I was reading, I came to this post:

Preparing for the Blessings!

I STILL love what I wrote in this post.  It is applicable to my life even now.  In fact, it helped me as I was reading it again.  It also encouraged me as I realized that God had helped much of what we were preparing for to come to pass.

Today, Matt & I went to our friends' church for a morning service, One Life Church.  The minister was sharing about why we want more.  He went through a great description of what happened in the beginning when God created the earth and eventually humans.  Basically, we want more because we are made in the image of a God who is a God of more.  We have to want more of the right things in our life.  I think I kind of stopped listening (oh no! yes, I admit it... BUT I admit I stopped listening to LISTEN to God), at the point that the minister said that we want to ask, "Didn't Adam & Eve know that God was everything they needed, that He was their best friend?"  It's true, we want to sit here on our "we're so intelligent chair" and get onto Adam and Eve for their mistake and for not obeying God.  Let's be honest, we KNOW that God is everything we need and that He is our best friend, but how many times do we try to figure it all out for God and tell HIM how to make it happen for us.  But aren't we just putting God in a box by doing that?

So, after lunch with those friends, we went to Starbucks to continue our conversation.  While waiting for our coffee, I took a glance at facebook on my phone.  I came across a status update by a friend that said, "12 weeks today! I guess that means it's time to tell Facebook land that WE'RE HAVIN' A BABY!! Yep. Adopt two kids, lose 65 pounds, downsize your car, and get pregnant. Haha! I guess God just knew we needed the boys 1st and I needed to be healthier anyway. We're still a little in shock, but I like surprises, so it's ok. :)" What you don't know by just reading her status, is that this friend tried to have her own children but then walked into a calling meant for a special group of people.  Her and her husband became foster parents and, eventually, were blessed to adopt two amazing boys.  I was thrilled when I read this and had to take time to thank God for this blessing.

Fast forward a little to church this evening at Courts of Praise Church.  God spoke to me about the limitations I put on God just by telling Him how to make things happen for me.  How much am I limiting God by telling Him how to get me to where I know he wants me to be?  What if my friend had limited God in how she could become a parent?  She would have missed out on two amazing sons.  I don't want to limit God anymore with my ideas and the solutions that I have worked out for Him to use.

I encourage you to stop limiting God, stop trying to make a way for God and let Him be the one to make a way.  Don't you know that He is your best friend and He is all you need?  He will get you to where He wants you to be in His own way if you let Him... in the meantime, He will have you on a journey that might pour out way more blessing into your life than "your way" would have provided.  Trust that He is all you need and that He is your best friend.

This all reminded me of one of my favorite songs by Israel Houghton.  The song says....

I'm not a man 
I cannot lie 
I know the plans for your life 
I'm asking you to dream again 
To believe again and take the limits off of Me 

I'm not a man 
I cannot lie 
I know the plans 
They're My design 
I'm asking you to hope again 
And trust again and take the limits off of Me 

All I'm asking is take the limits off 
Take the limits off 

Release Me to accomplish what I promised to do 
Take the limits off 
Take the limits off,.... 

No limits, no boundaries 
I see increase all around me 
Stretch forth, break forth 
Release me...enlarge my territory.

I encourage you to take the limits off of God.  He knows the plan, you are His design, and He wants you to dream again of possibilities instead thinking of solutions.  There is a big difference.  One is an end or resolve, but to dream is to see no limitations and to have something to aspire to.  Trust God and let Him accomplish what He promised He would in your life.  I know that right now you might be thinking of the very thing you know He promised you... I am.  Just know that He can't lie.  If He said it, then He will do it.  Just stop limiting how & when He does it and just enjoy where He takes you while you are on your journey to the promise.

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