Nov 13, 2014

When God Controls Your Steps and Stops

All my life I had been told that God ordered my steps. I believed it in terms of big events. I can't say I didn't believe it for the small things, I'm just saying that maybe I didn't realize how often God ordered my steps and stops along the path of each day to ultimately have my back.

Then today happened.

Normally I would complain about all the things we had to do that were so time consuming or just unpleasant to endure. But I had this strange peace all day. We stopped to take care of some banking, stopped at our favorite car dealership to drop off some paperwork, and took our youngest to get some blood work done. I felt the biggest blessing of the day was actually having success with the lab work as we had attempted it three times before. I managed to even keep calm through that procedure with three kids while my husband did a phone conference with work. I was even calm and remembered to call on God for peace in my heart when the lady registering her couldn't get her insurance to enter correctly on her computer.

We went to lunch as a family and I even kept it together when salsa was slung all over me and the baby... along with the special treat of Sprite we had given her for having to get blood work done.

I went home and took a little break and then had to meet a friend to pay for some tickets for a home school field trip before we took our new kitty, Link, to get his check up. Again, I was frustrated that PayPal has had it out for me since I closed my business and switched to a personal account, and I had to make her meet me... But I did it with a smile and didn't even feel as upset as I might normally have been.

On to the vet... Who does the vet with three kids (ages 10, 6, & 18 months) and a kitten (7 months)? I mean wasn't I just asking for it? Alas, even that didn't phase me much and I managed to laugh it off.

And then God revealed the beauty in all the timing of this day. The beauty in having to do errands, the beauty in technology not working, and the beauty in conversations placed perfectly in my day....

... The masterpiece He had made today into, in order to save my family and our home.

To make a long story short, I entered our home at the perfect time to smell smoke and find the power out due to utility work. I was there when the power came on minutes later and caught our fuse box & meter on fire.

And then God perfectly placed the utility worker in our driveway to remove the meter and turn all power off to our house.
He safely got my husband home just in time to go check that I had gotten the fire to stop and to handle the rest of the jobs and chores associated so I could go comfort our daughters and share with them how our God had ordered every part of our day to provide protection to us and our home and everything He had given us.

Today I learned how things I complain about sometimes are REALLY ordered by God if I just allow Him to control things... To not complain or try to fix it. Rather,to just let Him do what He passionately desires to do... To love, protect, and bless His children. He controlled every step and stop I made today. I'm so grateful for the peace He gave me to just let it be and go with what He was doing.... No small feat for this control freak.

We are all safe. We might be camped out on couches and recliners at my parents tonight, but we are together. We are loved by a wonderful Heavenly Father.
I encourage you to trust those moments when you feel God is moving in the everyday... in the mundane. Leave the control in His hands. I have never had such a moment where I sat back and KNEW God had made the timing of the day perfect for me. Had I not been there when the fire started, our day would be ending differently.

Trust Him when the little elderly lady is going 10 mph under the speed limit in front of you. Trust Him when you get unexpected errands in your day. Trust Him when He chooses to delay an answer to a prayer. Trust Him when He says no. Trust Him when He says to go. Trust Him.